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Test Pages

This site will soon be retired since I'll be spending the time working on Things Entertainment, a new game company. If you need anything from this site, please download it. If you need help collecting anything, email me.

These are my personal test pages, posted in case they are useful.


If the link text is the same, it's the same page, just repeated to make it easier to find. To see or copy the code, view the source code. All of the relevant accessibility coding is purposefully right inside the HTML file, not in a JavaScript library or separate CSS or JavaScript file.













Background Images

Testing technique for if you are using an image of text but want that to change to encoded text when you use high contrast:


The Directional Web

Is a site easier to understand if it has a physical layout?

November 2007

So many of the sites on the Web today have outline layouts. Information is organized by idea and when you select the idea it simply replaces the last idea you read about, often in a "content" frame or "main content" area.

This lab explores the Web in four directions . . . Of particular interest is whether a sense of space can make educational Web sites more effective.

When I worked as a mentor and tutor for college students, some students struggled with keeping ideas and facts in particular categories. For example, keeping the views of Jefferson and Adams separate might be important so that a student can answer questions on an exam, but the student might have trouble keeping the ideas separate. In these cases, one effective solution is to read about views of Jefferson in the library and to read about the views of Adams outside.

Perhaps a similar effect could be achieved through a virtual sense of place: to scroll way up high in a site about human anatomy to read about the cells of brain & to scroll down to read about the cells of the heart.

Purposeful Right, Left & Up Scrolling

Example page to come . . .

Is SVG the Technology of the Directional Web?

Example page to come . . .

Copyright © Suzanne Taylor 2007-2014. You can use any code from here anyway you want.